Are you looking for a speaker or trainer?


Why Hire Bobby?

  • Authentic, funny and dynamic, Bobby Umar will move your team to action and inspire them to strive for greatness.

  • Give your staff professional development that they will remember and use.

  • Increase employee engagement, alignment and retention by investing in their growth.

  • Build your team’s skills in speaking, persuasion, storytelling and networking.

  • Learn practical tips on digital engagement, content creation, optimizing LinkedIn for business and creating online community.


About Bobby

  • 5x TEDx speaker

  • Inc Magazine Top 100 Leadership Speaker, 2015 and 2018 alongside Richard Branson, Brene Brown and John C Maxwell

  • Author of three international books, including a #1 best seller (How to Network Anytime, Anywhere, with Anyone)

  • Named a “2015 Speaker to Watch”and a top 75 LinkedIn Influencer, alongside Gary Vaynerchuk

  • Named a Top 25 social selling influencers out of 1000 (ranked 16th), the 2nd best business coach to follow on Twitter, the 4th best leadership influencer according to Kred, and a Top 7 Networking Guru to follow on Twitter

  • Professor ratings: Rate my Professor 4.7/5, University review 4.92/5, Executive Education rating 99.6%

  • CEO Monthly: Best Leadership Development Training Provider - Canada, Training Services Business Leader of the Year - North America


Watch my Keynote below.


...The stage couldn’t even contain him...

Jeff Watson | Video Testimonial

...really empowering and motivating...really helped me get out of my comfort zone...

Annette Szeliga , Video Testimonial

Bobby’s material changed my mindset about networking and my personal brand. Using his frameworks and tips for networking, I landed my dream job out of college and tripled the size of my network.

Bennett Garnerr | Telecommuting Trends Analyst

Bobby is an enthusiastic leader and a joy to be around!

Dr. Milena Head, Associate Dean, DeGroote School of Business, McMaster

Bobby’s energy and encouragement are a catalyst for student action.

Tiffany Beks | Student Leader and Psychology Major


let me help take you, your team, your senior executives, your leadership team, and even your ceo, to the next level!

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